Deep Tissue Massage in Philadelphia: Do You Need It?

Are you feeling tired and achy after a long day at work or school? Do you have muscle soreness or tension that just won’t go away? If so, you might need a deep tissue massage. In Philadelphia, there are many massage therapists who offer deep tissue massage, but what makes you a good candidate for deep tissue massage?

We have covered a few points below about why you must find a massage therapist in Philadelphia for a relaxing deep tissue massage.

What Is Deep Tissue Massage?

Massage therapy concentrating on the deeper layers of muscle tissue is known as deep tissue massage. What makes it different from a regular massage? Well, a regular massage uses gentle strokes and light pressure, while a deep tissue massage uses firm pressure and slow strokes to reach the deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue.

During a deep tissue massage, the massage therapist in Philadelphia will use their hands, fingers, and sometimes even elbows to apply pressure and knead the muscles. It will help to release knots and tension that have built up over time. It can also help to improve blood flow and promote healing.

Who Should Take Deep Tissue Massage?

Deep tissue massage can be beneficial for a wide range of people, including:

  • Athletes or active individuals who experience muscle soreness or tightness.
  • People with chronic muscle tension or chronic pain.
  • Those who spend a lot of time sitting or standing in one position, such as office workers or healthcare professionals.
  • Individuals recovering from an injury or surgery

If you fall into any of these categories, or if you simply feel like your muscles need some extra pampering, a deep tissue massage from a skilled massage therapist in Philadelphia could be just what you need.

Benefits of Deep Tissue Massage

There are many potential benefits to receiving a deep tissue massage, including:

Pain relief: Deep tissue massage can help to alleviate chronic muscle pain, tension headaches, and even some types of joint pain.

Improved flexibility and range of motion: By releasing muscle knots and tension, deep tissue massage can help to improve your overall flexibility and range of motion.

Reduced stress and anxiety: The firm pressure and relaxing strokes of a deep tissue massage can help to reduce stress and anxiety levels, promoting a sense of calm and well-being.

Better sleep: Many people find that they sleep better after receiving a deep tissue massage, as the massage can help to relieve muscle tension and promote relaxation.

Faster recovery from injury or surgery: Deep tissue massage can help to improve blood flow and reduce inflammation, which can aid in the recovery process after an injury or surgery.

If you’re dealing with muscle tension, soreness, or chronic pain, a deep tissue massage from a skilled massage therapist in Philadelphia could be just what you need. While it may be a bit more intense than a regular massage, the benefits of deep tissue massage are well worth it. So why not treat yourself to some much-needed relaxation and relief?

Can I Book an In-Home Massage Session in Philadelphia?

Living in the bustling city of Philadelphia, it’s not always easy to find time to pamper yourself and relax. Between the demands of work, family, and daily life, the idea of visiting a traditional massage studio can seem like yet another chore on your to-do list. But what if we told you that you can now book an in-home massage session with a mobile massage therapist in Philadelphia?

Yes, with the convenience of in-home massage in Philadelphia, you can book a massage session at your home in 2024.

Mobile massage therapists are quickly becoming a game-changer in the world of self-care and wellness. No more worrying about traffic, parking, or rushing to fit in a session between other commitments. With a mobile massage therapist in Philadelphia, the relaxation and rejuvenation come to you.

The Unbeatable Convenience of Mobile Massage

One of the primary benefits of working with a mobile massage therapist in Philadelphia is the unparalleled convenience. Imagine being able to enjoy a soothing Swedish massage or a deep tissue treatment in the comfort of your own living room, without the hassle of traveling to a studio. Expert and licensed mobile therapists come fully equipped with all the necessary tools and supplies, so all you have to do is sit back, relax, and let the massage therapist do the job.

Customized Massage Experiences Tailored to You

But convenience is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the advantages of hiring a mobile massage therapist in Philadelphia. These professionals also offer a highly customized experience, tailoring each session to your unique needs and preferences. Whether you’re looking to ease muscle tension, manage chronic pain, or simply indulge in some much-needed pampering, a skilled mobile massage therapist can design a treatment plan that addresses your specific concerns.

The Benefits of Privacy and Comfort

Another significant benefit of working with a mobile massage therapist in Philadelphia is the sense of privacy and comfort. Receiving a massage in your own space can be far more relaxing than in a public setting, allowing you to fully unwind without any distractions or concerns about who might be watching. For people who would rather have a more private and customized massage, this can be extremely helpful.

Versatility and Competitive Pricing

Mobile massage therapists in Philadelphia often offer a wide range of massage modalities, from classic Swedish techniques to sports-focused deep tissue work, prenatal massages, and even couples’ treatments.

Perhaps one of the most appealing aspects of working with a mobile massage therapist in Philadelphia is the competitive pricing and scheduling flexibility. Unlike traditional massage studios, which may have limited availability and higher overhead costs, mobile therapists can often provide their services at more affordable rates and with more convenient appointment times to fit your busy schedule.

So, if you’re ready to experience the ultimate in relaxation and self-care, consider booking an in-home massage session with a skilled mobile massage therapist in Philadelphia. With their unbeatable convenience, customized treatments, and commitment to your well-being, you’ll wonder why you didn’t discover the magic of mobile massage sooner.

Signs Your Body Need a Deep Tissue Massage

You’re thought to prioritize your body’s well-being, and a deep tissue massage might be simply what you need. This healing method aims at the deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue, giving comfort from continual anxiety and pain. Here are a few signs that your body might need a deep tissue massage.

Persistent Muscle Knots and Tightness

If you have been experiencing persistent muscle knots or tightness in specific regions of your body, it is a clear indication that you need targeted relief. These knots, also known as trigger points, can lead to referred aches and discomfort in different areas, limiting your mobility and overall movement.

A deep tissue massage therapist is skilled in discovering and releasing stubborn knots, restoring flexibility, and promoting better circulation.

Chronic Pain and Discomfort

Whether it’s lower back pain, shoulder aches, or persistent neck stiffness, chronic pain and soreness can appreciably impact your life quality.

Deep tissue massage works by applying firm pressure and strokes to break up adhesions and scar tissue that can contribute to your soreness. This targeted approach can alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and enhance overall mobility.

Poor Posture and Muscle Imbalances

Prolonged sitting, repetitive moves, or poor posture can result in muscle imbalances, resulting in tension and pain. A deep tissue massage therapist can identify and address these imbalances, releasing tight muscles and promoting better alignment. By restoring muscle stability, you’ll experience improved posture, reduced strain, and a decreased chance of future injuries.

Recovery from Injury or Surgery

If you’ve currently undergone a surgical procedure or sustained an injury, deep tissue massage may be a great part of your recovery method. This kind of massage can break down scar tissue and adhesions, improving a range of movement and facilitating the recovery process.

It’s vital to visit your healthcare provider and a qualified deep tissue massage therapist to make sure the right timing and techniques are used for your recovery.

Stress and Tension Relief

In the modern and fast-paced world, stress and anxiety can manifest physically in the form of tight muscle groups and knots. Deep tissue massage is an effective method to release this build-up tension, giving relaxation and lowering the bodily effects of stress. By focusing on the deeper layers of muscle tissue, you will experience a profound sense of calm and relief.

Improved Circulation and Lymphatic Drainage

Deep tissue massage now not only aims at muscle tissue but also promotes advanced circulation and lymphatic drainage. This increased blood flow allows the supply of important nutrients to the muscular tissues, at the same time as lymphatic drainage helps in removing metabolic waste and toxins.

As a result, you can experience improved overall health, increased energy levels, and enhanced body capabilities.

Enhanced Athletic Performance

If you’re an athlete or regularly engaged in physical activities, deep tissue massage may be a game-changer. By releasing muscle tension and improving flexibility, you will experience an improved range of movement and reduced danger of harm.

Furthermore, deep tissue massage helps in recovering after severe workout routines or competitions, lowering muscle soreness and promoting faster healing.

If you’ve observed any of these signs, it’s time to look for the expertise of a qualified deep tissue massage therapist. Remember, transparent communication is key – don’t hesitate to speak about your unique concerns and goals with your therapist to ensure a tailor-made and effective treatment plan.

The Benefits of Combined Thai-Swedish-Deep Tissue Massage

Are you looking for a way to relax and be healthy? Today, we’re taking a look at a massage that’s like no other—the Combined Thai-Swedish-Deep Tissue Massage. It’s not just a massage; it’s a ballet for your body and soul, bringing together the ancient wisdom of Thai techniques, the comforting strokes of Swedish massage, and the targeted muscle magic of deep tissue massage.

The Wonderful Art of Combined Thai-Swedish-Deep Tissue Massage

The roots of the Combined Thai-Swedish-Deep Tissue Massage trace back to the thoughtful integration of diverse massage traditions. Thai massage, originating over a thousand years ago, draws inspiration from Ayurvedic practices and traditional Chinese medicine. It focuses on energy lines and pressure points, incorporating passive stretching and rhythmic compressions.

Swedish massage, developed in the early 19th century by Pehr Henrik Ling, emphasizes long, flowing strokes to promote relaxation and improved circulation. Deep Tissue massage, developed in the 20th century, dives into deeper muscle layers, targeting chronic tension and promoting muscle recovery. The combination of these methods forms a comprehensive approach that addresses various aspects of physical and mental well-being.

The Benefits of Combined Thai-Swedish-Deep Tissue Massage

1. Holistic Harmony:

In this combination massage, Thai techniques gently stretch and move your joints, Swedish strokes work to soothe, and deep tissue addresses deep-seated muscle tensions. It’s like your body is treated to a personalized spa day, resulting in a harmony that extends beyond the physical, touching your soul and bringing balance and tranquility.

2. Stress Relief:

Stress is a thing of the past with the combined Thai-Swedish-Deep Tissue Massage. Each stroke and press acts as a protector against stress, removing tension knots in your muscles. It’s not just a massage; it’s a stress relief journey, leaving you feeling lighter and ready to take on the world or simply enjoy a peaceful evening.

3. Refreshing Body and Soul:

Refreshing your soul is the goal here, not just your physical well-being. The dance of these massage techniques acts like hitting a reset button. It’s not just about muscles; it’s about reviving your energy flow—a rejuvenating sensation that feels vital and revitalizing.

4. Enhanced Circulation:

Let’s talk about circulation, the overlooked symbol of well-being. The combined Thai-Swedish-Deep Tissue Massage creates a gentle flow of energy, revitalizing every nook and cranny in your body. Improved circulation means better oxygen, quicker toxin removal, and a general boost to your body’s natural healing mechanisms.

5. Personalized Wellness:

We’re all unique, and our bodies have their own stories to tell. This message is like a personalized playlist for your well-being. Your massage therapist doesn’t follow a one-size-fits-all approach; they tailor the experience based on your body’s needs. It’s like having your favorite tunes played just for you—a tailored wellness composition.

In a world that moves fast, the Combined Thai-Swedish-Deep Tissue Massage is your sanctuary. It’s not just about the physical knots; it’s about the knots in your mind untangling. It’s not just a massage; it’s a journey to tranquility, stress relief, and rejuvenation. So, why not treat yourself? Experience the blend, feel the harmony, and let this symphony of massage take you on a delightful journey for both body and soul. You deserve it.

If you are in Philadelphia, contact Justin Shelley for the best Combined Thai-Swedish-Deep Tissue Massage in the city. Call +1-267-252-7658 now.

What Steps to Take After a Deep Tissue Massage

The advantages of a deep tissue massage include pain alleviation, increased flexibility, and relaxation. These benefits of a massage, however, might last long after the actual therapy session. Following a deep tissue massage, there are a few things you should do to get the most out of it and improve general well-being. In this blog post, we’ll look at the suggested after-deep tissue massage steps to follow to speed up the healing process and extend the treatment’s benefits.

Stay adequately hydrated

Despite hydration being a common and recurring recommendation in various health-related contexts, many individuals still struggle to meet their daily recommended water intake. Nevertheless, it remains a crucial and powerful tip. As mentioned earlier, a deep tissue massage enhances blood flow throughout your body and consuming plenty of fluids helps to maintain optimal circulation. Once the massage kickstarts this benefit, you can sustain it by ensuring you stay adequately hydrated. It is advisable to drink a minimum of eight glasses of water each day.

Moreover, following an intense massage like this, your body releases toxins that are subsequently eliminated through urination. By consuming sufficient fluids, this detoxification process is accelerated. Carrying an appealing water bottle with you wherever you go can help you monitor your water consumption more easily.

Indulge in a nutritious snack

It is normal to feel slightly hungry after a deep tissue massage session. Consider bringing a healthy snack to your appointment and enjoy it immediately after your massage therapist completes their therapeutic work. Opt for nourishing foods rich in vitamins and nutrients that your body requires following an intense deep tissue massage. Consuming foods abundant in omega acids can assist in alleviating muscle soreness commonly experienced post-massage. Steer clear of junk food and choose wholesome options instead.

Maintain a balance of activity and relaxation

It is wise to refrain from engaging in intense physical activities or sports for at least 24 hours after a deep tissue massage, as you may risk overexerting your muscles. Nonetheless, it is important to incorporate gentle activity into your routine to aid in the speedy recovery of your muscles. Consider taking a short stroll around your neighborhood or visiting a nearby spa. Mild movement helps loosen your muscles, but remember to keep it minimal. To enhance your relaxation and maximize the benefits of your massage, you can indulge in a bath infused with essential oils, light some candles, play soothing music, and create a tranquil ambiance.

Schedule your subsequent appointment

Deep tissue massages yield greater benefits over time. The more appointments you attend, the better your massage therapist becomes acquainted with your body, needs, and preferences. Consequently, after your massage session, remember to schedule your next appointment to ensure continued care and improvement.

To sum up

A deep tissue massage can work wonders for alleviating severe muscle pain or aiding in recovery from a significant injury. Following the session, you will emerge feeling revitalized and brimming with energy. It’s natural to eagerly anticipate your next appointment, which you should remember to schedule. It’s essential to recognize that, similar to the importance of selecting a skilled professional and preparing your body before the massage, post-massage care is equally vital. Familiarize yourself with the necessary steps to take after a deep tissue massage and prioritize the well-being of your body to facilitate a speedy and graceful healing process.

What Is Deep Tissue Massage and How Can You Benefit from It?

Getting a massage is not just about leisure. It can be very helpful in improving your health as well. You must have heard several types of massage names and wondered the difference between them.

Well, every massage has a specific purpose, and today you will learn about Deep Tissue Massage. It is very beneficial and can improve your physical and mental health to a great extent.

What is a Deep Tissue Massage?

A deep tissue massage is a therapeutic massage. It makes use of slow, deep strokes and pressure to release tension and pain in the deeper layers of muscles, tendons, and fascia. This massage is particularly helpful for you if you suffer from chronic pain and tension. It can also be useful if you are recovering from injuries or surgery.

Want to know how you can benefit from deep tissue massage? Let’s see how it is great for your physical and mental well-being:

Provides relief in chronic pain

Deep tissue massage is used frequently to help solve problems of chronic pain and tension in areas like the neck, shoulders, and lower back. This is done by targeting particular areas where tension is concentrated. The therapist uses slow, deep strokes to help to release knots and adhesions in the muscles, which promotes relaxation and pain relief.

Enhances flexibility

When tissues are scared, and adhesions are formed in the muscles and tendons over time, they can limit your movement and contribute to chronic pain and tension. These adhesions need to be broken to promote circulation and flexibility, and this is what deep tissue massage does for you. You will find improvement in movement and range of motion in the affected area once you get a deep tissue massage.

Helps in recovering from injuries

Deep tissue massage can be very useful for you if you are recovering from any injuries or surgery. It is helpful because it increases the circulation and healing of the affected area which speeds up the recovery process for you.

Decreases stress and anxiety

Massage therapies have already been proven to help reduce stress and anxiety. Deep tissue massage is one of the famous massages that help promote relaxation and a sense of well-being.

Improves your posture

As you might have heard already, poor posture is a leading cause of chronic pain and tension in the muscles and joints. Deep tissue massage targets these specific muscles that are tensed which promote flexibility and movement. Doing so helps in improving your posture and reducing the risk of future pain and injury.

In the end, we can say that a deep tissue massage is a great option to not just relax and de-stress, but to also improve your flexibility, heal injuries, and better posture. If you are experiencing any sort of chronic pain or tension, deep tissue massage can be considered a therapy for you.

It is time to give your body a healing touch by getting a deep tissue massage.

Are you wondering who can provide you with the best massage? You don’t have to look any further. Make an appointment with Justin Shelley, a licensed massage therapist in Philadelphia, and get your deep tissue massage.


Deep Tissue vs. Lomi Lomi Massage: Which Massage Is Better for Me?

When it comes to massage, it usually depends on what you expect from the massage. People get massages for a variety of reasons, such as they have pain, they want to de-stress, they feel knots in their back, they wish to feel relaxed and calm, they have an injury, etc. To-be mothers and who have delivered their babies also get massages to sleep better, feel a sense of wellness, relax muscles, increase circulation, and enjoy many more benefits. In many cases, people can choose the type of massage they wish; there is no restriction. In other words, it is your choice.

While both deep tissue massage and lomi lomi massage are good, they are different from each in various ways. However, if you need to choose one of them, you might want to know how they are different and what benefits they offer to the massage recipient. Let’s find out.

What is Deep Tissue Massage?

Deep tissue massage involves the use of deep sustained pressure using slow, deep strokes to target your inner muscles and connective tissues. This massage is mainly used to treat musculoskeletal issues, such as back pain, shoulder pain, strains, and even sports injuries. This massage promotes quicker healing by improving blood circulation and reducing inflammation.

Benefits of Deep Massage Tissue

  • Offers relaxation
  • Treats muscle pain
  • Improves stiffness
  • Helps unwind mentally
  • Reduces chronic low back pain
  • Promotes recovery from sports injuries
  • Treats sciatica, tennis elbow, and plantar fasciitis
  • Helps with fibromyalgia
  • Regulate blood pressure

What is Lomi Lomi Massage?

Lomi Lomi massage involves the combination of breathing and free-form instinctive techniques to open energy pathways, release tension, and remove blockages. During lomi lomi massage, your entire body is massaged with long, rhythmic, and sweeping strokes similar to the motion of waves. Different parts of the body are massaged at the same time. It is also called Hawaiian Full Body Lomi Lomi Massage.

Benefits of Lomi Lomi Massage

  • Improve circulation
  • Improve immune response
  • Increase range of motion and flexibility
  • Release the blocked energy
  • Muscle relaxation
  • Improve posture
  • Faster healing
  • Regulate blood pressure

Lomi Lomi Massage or Deep Tissue Massage: Which one should I get?

If you are suffering from chronic pain, sports injury, or other musculoskeletal pain, then deep tissue massage is the best option for you. If you are looking for a way to feel relaxed and calm, lomi lomi massage is a good option for you. However, in the latter case, you can also choose deep tissue massage because it also helps you unwind and feel relaxed.

If you are still feeling confused about which massage is best for you, get in touch with Justin Shelley – a Licensed Massage Therapist in Philadelphia. He specializes in a wide range of massages, including lomi lomi and deep tissue massage and offers massages to people of all ages and genders with a variety of issues. For massage consultation, call now.


What are Different Types of Massage Therapy?

The world of massage therapy is vast and varied, with each practitioner bringing their own unique skills and techniques to the table. For those looking to reap the benefits of massage therapy but are unsure where to begin, read on!

In this article, we’ll cover some of the most popular types of massage therapy by Justin Shelly and what you can expect from each one. Let’s dive in!

1) Swedish Massage

Swedish massage is a type of massage therapy that has been practiced for many years. It helps to relax tense muscles, increase circulation and ease stiffness.

The benefits of Swedish massage are numerous. For example, it can help with headaches, stress relief, chronic pain relief, muscle tension relief and much more.

Justin Shelley’s experience in Swedish massage can help you relax tight muscles and boost circulation throughout your body while relaxing your tight muscles.

2) Aromatherapy Massage

Aromatherapy massage is one of the most popular types of massage, as it can help relieve stress, anxiety, depression, muscle tension and more.

The therapist will use a variety of methods to apply pressure to different areas on the body while also working in essential oils that offer soothing scents. These oils are used not only for their scent but also for the benefits they can provide.

The best part about getting aromatherapy massage from Justin shelly is aside from using high quality essential oils, he has thorough knowledge of the oils that are best suited to his clients’ individual needs.

3) Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage is a type of massage therapy that focuses on the deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue. It can be helpful for chronic pain, pinched nerves, muscle spasms, fibromyalgia, sports injuries, and more.

In his massages, Justin Shelley applies firm pressure to deep tissue and the surrounding connective tissue. The massage will break up knots in the muscles by applying deep pressure into the sore spots.

4) Sports Massage

Massages are a great way to help relieve sore muscles, reduce stress, and relax after a hard workout. Professional sports massage therapists like Justin Shelly can help improve performance by relieving muscle tension before competition.

It also stimulates blood flow which helps keep your muscles healthy and functioning properly. Many people who play contact sports like football and rugby use this type of massage to prevent injuries from happening in the first place.

5) Hot Stone Massage

Hot Stone massage therapy is a type of massage that’s often used to promote relaxation, relieve muscle tension, reduce inflammation, heal injuries and improve circulation. This type of massage therapy uses smooth heated stones to apply pressure to the muscles.

The stones are typically placed on or near areas where there is pain or tension in order to provide relief. There are many different benefits to this type of massage therapy including: increased blood circulation, reduced pain, relief from stress and anxiety, better range of motion and improved sleep.


Massage therapy is a tremendously powerful tool that can help heal and relax your muscles, relieve everyday stress, and boost your overall health. If you’re looking for the best massage therapist to get benefit from these massage, get in touch with Justin Shelly, he is a certified, trained, professional & licensed massage therapist in Philadelphia.


What To Expect from Your First Deep Tissue Massage Therapy Session?

Message therapy is a practical solution to get much-needed physical and mental relaxation. Every other person experience stress and anxiety, which could make them feel exhausted. It also makes you experience muscle soreness and even pain. Massage therapy is a proven solution that alleviates physical and mental stress and helps manage various health conditions, including arthritis, bursitis, high blood pressure, diabetes, and depression.

Deep tissue massage therapy is a form of Swedish massage, that is not limited to deeper strokes or harder pressure. The practitioner uses firm pressure and slow strokes to massage deeper layers of muscles and fascia, the connective tissue surrounding muscles. Deep tissue massage therapy helps break up scar tissues and muscle adhesions, which blocks blood circulation. This improper blood flow in the muscles is the primary cause of pain and inflammation.

Those who are not aware of the benefits of deep tissue massage therapy tend to be skeptical of trying it for the first time. Your therapist starts the massage session with lighter pressure to warm up the muscles and then starts massaging with deeper pressure. There are a few common techniques that your therapist will be used during massage therapy, including stripping, which involves deep pressure gliding through the length of your muscle fibers, and friction that help apply pressure across the muscle grains to break up adhesions. It also helps in aligning the tissue fibers.

Following are some health benefits of deep tissue massage therapy you should know about:

Relieves stress

Deep tissue massage therapy is the best natural stress reliever. Whether you are stressed about work or your personal life taking a deep massage therapy session will relieve you of it all. It is the best way to unplug and relax for a while. Massage therapy helps in lowering cortisol levels and enhances oxytocin levels which relax the body and produces a calming effect.

It also helps in alleviating physical symptoms of stress, including muscle soreness, tight muscles, or tension in the shoulders or lower back. A deep tissue massage is all you need to get rid of it all and help your body relax.

Pain Reduction

Deep tissue massage therapy is an effective treatment that helps in relieving body pain caused due to various health conditions. It can provide relaxation from chronic pain in the lower back, plantar fasciitis, fibromyalgia, and a stiff neck. Moreover, muscle tension caused due to chronic pain can be relieved with a deep tissue massage therapy session.

Regulates blood pressure

Deep tissue massage therapy is also beneficial for your heart health as it helps reduce stress and tension, which impacts blood pressure. It also increases the production of serotonin, which promotes feelings of positivity and happiness.

Improves mobility

Scar tissues or muscle knots in various areas of the body often result in chronic pain and stiffness. Taking regular deep tissue massage sessions helps break up the scar tissues and improves lymphatic circulation. It further helps improve flexibility and range of motion.

Final words

Owing to its many benefits, deep tissue massage therapy is often advised to people who are recovering from surgery to minimize scar tissue. People suffering from chronic stress, body pain, and various health conditions that limit their mobility, including arthritis, should try deep tissue massage therapy for instant relief.


How Does A Deep Tissue Massage Work!

If you are suffering from chronic muscle pain or sports-related injuries, a deep-tissue massage is your go-to solution!

To treat musculoskeletal problems including strains and sports injuries, deep tissue massage is a common massage method. It entails exerting steady pressure on the inner layers of your muscles and connective tissues with long, gentle strokes. This helps to loosen up scar tissue that develops after an injury and lessen muscle and tissue tension.

By boosting blood flow and lowering inflammation, it might help encourage quicker healing.

Benefits of Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage has both psychological and physical advantages. It helps to relieve muscle discomfort and reduce stiffness, in contrast to other massage treatments that emphasize relaxation. But it can also help you relax mentally.

Additionally, deep tissue massage helps in recovery with the following conditions:

  • Sports injuries
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • High blood pressure
  • Sciatica
  • Tennis elbow

How Does the Deep Tissue Massage Work

The deep tissue massage focuses on the deeper layers of muscles. It helps in the removal of muscle knots and scar tissue that can cause pain, inflammation, and poor blood flow.

Following is the procedure of Deep Tissue Massage:

  • Before beginning a deep tissue massage, your massage therapist will want to learn about your trouble areas. Your entire body, or just a specific location, can be massaged deeply.
  • You’ll be instructed to lie on your back or stomach when you’re ready. The part of the area being worked on should be exposed.
  • Your muscles will be warmed up by the massage therapist using a softer touch. After you warm up, they’ll focus on your trouble spots. Deep kneading and stroking with varying degrees of severe pressure will be used.

Stripping: Deep Tissue Massage

This is one of the most common techniques that come under Deep Tissue Massage. With this technique, deep pressure is applied down the length of the muscle fiber, and the resulting friction occurs against the fiber’s grain. This helps to loosen the knots and realign the muscle fiber.

Things To Keep In Mind While Looking For a Therapist

Area of focus: Deep tissue massage is not a specialty of all massage therapists. While some specialize in one or two, others have training in numerous. Ask if deep tissue massage is their specialty.

Credentials: Inquire about the therapist’s credentials and confirm that they are authorized to provide massage therapy in your region. The majority of states in the US have laws governing the field of massage therapy.

If you need deep-tissue massage, contact Justin Shelley for the best comfort and deep cure for your muscular pain!



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