How Excessive Screen Time Leads to Digital Dementia and Poor Posture

We all love our phones, tablets, and computers. But did you know that spending too much time on these devices can be bad for your brain and your posture? Let’s talk about something called “Digital Dementia” and how it affects our bodies.

What is Digital Dementia?

The term “Digital Dementia” was coined by a neuroscientist called Manfred Spitzer. This term is used to describe a condition caused by excessive use of digital technology that results in reduced cognitive abilities. When we say cognition, we often assume it as our ability to think, solve problems, or do our work. However, it is also related to posture, i.e. how we stand and move.


How Screens Affect Our Posture

When we spend hours looking at screens, we often sit in bad positions. We might lean forward, stick our chin out, or round our shoulders. Over time, this can lead to poor posture. Poor posture is not a cause but a symptom. Poor posture is the dysfunctioning of one or more systems in the body that are being either overused or underused.

But here’s the interesting part: poor posture isn’t just about our muscles and bones. It’s also about how our brain controls our body.

Most people think that faulty posture is a tissue issue. Though, in many cases, a faulty posture arises from strained or overused connective tissues and joints, visual/balance disorders also impact how our brain sorts and switches positions.


Ponto Medullary Reticular Formation (PMRF) – The Brain’s Posture Control Center

The Ponto Medullary Reticular Formation (PMRF) is located in our brainstem at a pontomedullary junction where the ponto meets the medulla. It’s like a control center for our posture. When it works well, it helps us stand up straight and move smoothly.

The PMRF includes 8 cranial nerves that handle both motor and sensory functions. These nerves play a crucial role in coordinating ear and eye movements, which aid in maintaining head-righting reflexes and a balanced gait.

When the PMRF functions properly, it inhibits cervicothoracic flexion, which leads to resistance against gravitational exposure.

Patients with PMRF disorders may have an Upper Cross Syndrome pattern, such as a protruding chin, inwardly rotated arms, forward-rounded shoulders, and excessive curvature of the upper spine. These patients struggle with gravity, and when there is no one to guide them on manual, movement, and brain-based therapy, they often end up with symptoms that worsen over time.

In other words, too much screen time can mess with this brain area, making it harder for us to keep good posture.


Signs of Digital Dementia and Poor Posture

Hours of screen time, absence of exercise, and poor body mechanics can lead to bad posture, which can further cause other conditions, such as lack of focus, visual disturbances, depression, poor balance, and more.

When performing a postural assessment as part of my client’s examination, I don’t just look at tissue issues but also focus on how your nervous system is responding to it.

Certain proprioceptive challenges can help identify potential issues, such as one-legged standing to evaluate vestibular (balance) dysfunction, gaze stabilization exercises for visual disturbances, or the Romberg (Sway) Test for cerebral weakness.

Sensory impulses that originate from the neck and the ankles can help assess the body’s movement or sway relative to the ground.

People with Digital Dementia and poor posture might:

  • Have a hard time focusing
  • Feel dizzy or off-balance
  • Have neck and back pain
  • Feel tired or sad
  • Have trouble seeing clearly


How Can We Fix Digital Dementia and Poor Posture?

The good news is that there are ways to help our brain and body feel better:

  1. Take Breaks: Step away from screens regularly to give your eyes and brain a rest.
  2. Exercise: Moving your body helps your brain work better too.
  3. Postural Massage: This type of massage can help relax tight muscles and remind your body how to stand straight.
  4. Swedish Massage: A gentle, relaxing bodywork that can help reduce stress and improve how you feel overall.
  5. Neuromuscular Massage: This massage targets specific muscles to help correct imbalances in your body.
  6. Eye Exercises: Simple exercises can help your eyes work better with screens.
  7. Balance Practice: Try standing on one leg or doing yoga to improve your balance.

Remember, good posture isn’t just about looking good. It’s about helping your brain and body work together better. By taking care of both, you can feel healthier and happier.

If you’re worried about your posture or how much you use screens, it’s a good idea to talk to a doctor or a massage therapist. They can give you more tips and maybe suggest treatments like postural massage, Swedish massage, or neuromuscular massage to help you feel your best.

Let’s take care of our brains and bodies by being smart about how we use our devices. A little care can go a long way in keeping us healthy in this digital world!

Signs You Must Visit a Certified Massage Therapist in Philadelphia

Have you ever felt really sore or achy after a long day of playing or doing activities? Sometimes, our bodies can get tight and uncomfortable, making it hard to move around or feel good.

Getting one massage session sometimes can be all what your body must be asking for. If you are a busy individual and do not have time to visit a massage parlor, you can book an online massage session in Philadelphia and professional massage therapist will come to your home.

So, how do you know when it’s time to book an appointment with a certified massage therapist in Philadelphia? Here are some signs to look out for:

Muscle Stiffness and Soreness

If your muscles feel tight and achy, like you can’t move very well or it hurts to stretch, a massage can really help. The therapist will use their hands to gently massage and loosen up those sore, stiff areas, making you feel much more comfortable and flexible.

Increased Physical Activity

Whether you’ve been playing a lot of sports, exercising hard, or just running around more than usual, extra physical activity can lead to muscle soreness and tension. A good massage can help relax those hard-working muscles and prevent injuries.

Feeling Stressed

Stress doesn’t just affect our minds – it can also cause our bodies to feel tense and uncomfortable. Certified massage therapists in Philadelphia can use special techniques to help relax your muscles and ease that built-up stress and tension.

Prolonged Sitting or Standing

If you’ve been sitting at a desk all day or standing for long periods, your body can start to feel achy and stiff. A massage can help increase blood flow, reduce muscle tension, and make you feel refreshed and ready to move again.

Injuries or Chronic Pain

For certain injuries or ongoing pain issues, massage therapy can be really helpful. The therapist can target specific areas and use specialized techniques to reduce inflammation, improve range of motion, and promote healing.

You Have a Headache

If you get headaches often, it could be from tension and tightness in your neck and shoulder muscles. A massage therapist can use special massage techniques to release that muscle tension, which can help get rid of your headache.

You Have Trouble Sleeping

Sore, tight muscles can make it really hard to get comfortable and fall asleep at night. Getting a massage helps relax your whole body, so you can sleep better and wake up feeling refreshed.

The great thing is, you can often book an appointment with a certified massage therapist in Philadelphia online, making it super convenient to get the body care you need. Many therapists offer different types of massages, like Swedish, deep tissue, or sports massages, so you can find the right one for your needs.

Remember, massage isn’t just a luxury – it’s an important way to take care of your body, especially when you’re feeling sore, stiff, or just plain uncomfortable. So, if any of those signs sound familiar, don’t get yourself to a session with a certified therapist.

Understanding Text Neck and Its Health Implications

Do you find yourself always hunched over my phone scrolling or staring at my laptop screen typing? We’re all guilty of poor posture and strained necks from tech use – and we have all joked about dealing with what experts are calling “text neck.” 

But text neck is no laughing matter. Spending endless hours craned over screens can seriously impact the spine’s natural alignment and lead to chronic health issues if we aren’t careful. We usually take our musculoskeletal health for granted, assuming that we can bounce back from anything. But neglecting text neck could set us up for a rough time in the future. 

When our necks are stuck in that unnatural forward hunch for extended periods day after day, our entire spines are under extra pressure. This strains supporting muscles and ligaments over time, leading to debilitating stiffness, decreased mobility, throbbing headaches, and nonstop pain.  

Also, dealing with constant discomfort can cause psychological effects – reduced energy, poor sleep, and just feeling “off” mentally. Our fast-paced modern lifestyle already leaves many struggling to decompress – add in postural pain and no wonder we have a mental health crisis! 

This is especially true for teens and college students since their days already involve hours of device use for school work. Text neck worsens the stress they’re under, both academically and socially.  

Targeted Massage Techniques To The Rescue! 

Luckily, there are proven ways to both relieve existing text neck symptoms and address the root postural problems before things go too far. A passionate licensed massage therapist with intense training in musculoskeletal alignment and restoration, like Justin Shelley, can help you with your text neck issue. 

The hands of a trained massage therapist can find every tiny knot in your overly tensed trapezius and sore cervical muscles. Their specific techniques, like neuromuscular therapy and myofascial release, gently work on the tightened tissues to let go of built-up tension and scar tissue.  

With the right massage therapist, you will be able to finally rotate your head fluidly without sharp pulling sensations! And with a maintenance massage every month, any new tight spots can be fixed as they pop up.  

The Healing Powers of Bodywork for Text Neck Troubles 

Most of us deal with endless neck, head, and spine tension without realizing massage therapy is a great option for both relief and long-term spinal wellness. We take pain pills or apply topical CBD cream when things get tough, but massage combined with conscious postural correction can truly help get us out of the chronic pain cycles. 

Justin Shelly, a male massage therapist in Philadelphia, uses slow, targeted techniques that relax the overworked muscles and improve the range of motion over time. It helps release mental and muscle tension because physical and emotional stress can show up in places like the neck and shoulders. 

Improving text neck requires a customized treatment plan combining multiple massage methods like deep tissue, trigger point therapy, and stretching. Each technique plays a role in soothing irritated nerves, realigning musculoskeletal imbalances, and retraining poor postural habits.  

Through a comprehensive approach, massage therapy succeeds where other options fall short. Medications manage pain temporarily but ignore the root issue of postural misalignment.  

Embrace A Balanced Body Through Customized Care 

If you currently suffer from text neck pain and stiffness, explore professional massage for healing. Justin Shelley has immense expertise in gently realigning even severely tense necks and shoulders over time.  

You deserve to feel comfortable while working and living in this modern world. Justin’s mission is to support every client in achieving sustainable musculoskeletal health so they can follow their passions without pain or limitations! 

Strategies I Follow to Give Every Client Their Best Massage

As a massage therapist, I have a simple guiding principle – I want every client to walk out thinking, “That was the best massage I’ve ever had.” Not just an average massage, but the absolute best. To achieve this goal every session, I have several key strategies that guide my approach from start to finish.

For me, everything starts with asking appropriate questions to clients. From their intention for the massage to their previous massage experience (if they have any), I ask everything when clients book an appointment with us at Massage Philadelphia.

I Ask these “3 Questions” Early

In our initial consultation, I ask every new client a couple key questions to position the coming massage for success:

  1. Have you had a professional massage before and if so, what did you like or not like about the experience? Learning your likes and dislikes guides my technique selections and settings.
  1. What is the primary goal of today’s massage – pure relaxation, targeted pain relief, or both? Once I know the overall intention, I can structure the flow accordingly.
  1. Do you prefer a 50/50 blend of relaxation and pain relief, or are you more biased towards one versus the other? I show a simple percentage spectrum for clients to indicate the ideal ratio.

Based on these answers, I have clarity on how to best customize the session around your personal preferences and needs so every technique brings you your dream massage.

I Design a Customized Massage Routine

Armed with a clear understanding of what you want and need from our intake chat, I suggest a specialized massage plan catered to you.

Do you prefer to start facing up or down?

How should we sequence muscle groups and when do you want to address “problem areas” versus zones for pure relaxation?

I describe a tailored roadmap and gain your approval before we begin, welcoming any tweaks. Sticking to this customized flow positions me to deliver incredibly satisfying results.

I Consistently Monitor Pressure and Concentration

As I work through the agreed-upon massage sequence, I intermittently check in to ensure I’m still providing the right experience. I ask clarifying questions like “How does the pressure feel?” or “Should I spend more time on X area vs. Y area?” With regular check-ins, I can recalibrate my approach in the moment to keep revealing new layers of tension relief for you.

I Perform with Continual Intentionality

Each massage technique I use is delivered intentionally to meet a specific need for you, per our consultation and roadmap. I never fall into “auto-pilot mode,” relying on the same generic routine with every client.

Even simple effleurage strokes have therapeutic purposes. My consistency lies in the vigilance with which I customize. I execute that tailored plan with complete concentration until you are fully satisfied, relaxed, and rejuvenated.

The more you communicate, the better I can give you an incredible experience. Contact us at +1-267-252-7658 or book an appointment with us. My aim is for you to walk out enthusiastically, telling friends that was truly the best massage you’ve gotten.

Prioritize your well-being: Self Care Guide for Massage Therapists

As a massage therapist, you devote your days to the well-being of others, but it’s essential that you remember to take care of yourself as well. Your physical and mental health can be impacted by the demanding nature of your job. It’s important to include self-care activities in your routine if you want to keep your balance and avoid burnout. In this post, we’ll cover some simple self-care tips for massage therapists to help you put your health first.

Physical Well-being

Since you are a massage therapist, you yourself need to take care of your physical health because your hands do most of the work and can get strained, as can your body.

Do Stretching and Exercise

During treatments, you use your body extensively as a massage therapist. Stretching and exercise are essential for preventing muscle fatigue and maintaining flexibility. To improve your overall physical well-being, include gentle stretches in your daily routine and consider activities like yoga or Pilates.

Practice Regular Self-Massage

Being a massage therapist, you already know the importance of massage. So, remember to treat yourself to regular sessions of self-massage. Concentrate on releasing tension in your hands, neck, and shoulders. Self-massage improves your overall physical and mental health by easing tense muscles.

Stay Hydrated and Eat Nutritious Foods

Your body needs to be properly hydrated in order to function at its best. Throughout the day, sip lots of water and avoid drinks that have high sugar content and caffeine content. To support your energy levels and immune system, focus on a balanced diet full of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.

Take Short Breaks Between Sessions

It can be tempting to switch between clients without taking a break. Still, taking brief breaks in between sessions can refresh your body and mind. Take advantage of these breaks to stretch, take deep breaths, or refuel with a healthy snack.

Emotional Well-being

Work doesn’t just impact your physical health, it also impacts your emotional state. So it is very important to also pay attention and do activities that help your mental state stay balanced.

Mindful Breathing and Meditation

Begin your day with some mindful breathing and meditation. Go somewhere quiet, close your eyes, and concentrate on your breathing. Take a few deep breaths through your nose, hold them for a moment, and then slowly let them out through your mouth. This exercise relieves stress, clears the mind, and gets you ready for the day.

Set Boundaries

Even though you might have a strong desire to help others, it is important to establish boundaries between your personal and professional lives. Try not to overwork yourself, and when it is necessary, learn to say no. For the sake of maintaining a healthy work-life balance, it is essential to schedule time for rest and relaxation.

Create a Relaxing Environment

Your working environment can have a significant impact on your well-being. Soft lighting, soothing music, and pleasant aromas can help you create a relaxing and comfortable environment in your massage room. This environment not only benefits your clients but also allows you to remain relaxed and focused during sessions

Engage in Hobbies and Activities You Enjoy

Make time for your interests and extracurricular pursuits that make you happy and fulfilled. You can relax and refuel by doing anything from reading to painting to hiking to spending time with loved ones.

Seek Peer Support and Professional Development

Connect with other massage therapists to share your experiences and seek advice. Join organizations or forums for professionals where you can share ideas and advice. Consider attending workshops or continuing education courses as well to improve your knowledge and skills.

Maintaining a satisfying and long-lasting career as a massage therapist requires putting your well-being first. Use these self-care techniques every day to promote your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Keep in mind that taking care of yourself will ensure a long and successful career in massage therapy as well as the best care possible for your clients.

Looking For a Late Night Massage After A Red Eye Fight?

Finding ways to unwind and recharge after a lengthy, taxing red-eye journey becomes essential. A late-night massage is one of the best ways to reduce stress brought on by travel and encourage deep relaxation. In this post, we’ll discuss the advantages of getting a massage after a late-night journey.

Improve Mood and Decrease Stress Related to Travel:

Traveling may be difficult and draining emotionally, especially on late-night flights. Your mood can be greatly improved by a late-night massage by lowering stress, anxiety, and restlessness. Serotonin and oxytocin, two chemicals that contribute to emotions of enjoyment and relaxation, are released as a result of the soothing surroundings and therapeutic touch. As a result, you can travel with a more upbeat outlook and a general sense of peace.

Stimulate Energy Points and Vitality: After-hours massages frequently use reflexology and acupressure techniques, as well as other strategies from traditional therapeutic modalities. These techniques concentrate on particular body energy spots that are thought to affect general vitality. A massage therapist can boost your general vitality and well-being by exerting pressure on certain areas in order to encourage energy flow, balance the body’s energy systems, and improve your overall health.

Enhance Immune System Performance: Travelling frequently exposes you to many settings and potential diseases, which can impair the health of your immune system. Your immune system may benefit from a much-needed boost after a late-night massage. The therapeutic touch activates the lymphatic system, which is essential for detoxification and immune support. A massage improves lymphatic circulation, which helps your body eliminate toxins, fortifies your immune system, and lowers your risk of becoming sick while traveling.

Reduce Stress and Anxiety: Travelling, particularly long flights, may be stressful and anxiety-provoking. You can relax and let go of the stress and worry acquired throughout your journey in the tranquil and relaxing setting of a late-night massage. A massage therapist’s therapeutic touch triggers the body’s relaxation response, which lowers cortisol levels and fosters peace and tranquility.

Improve Circulation and Detoxification: Long flights can be sedentary, which can impair blood circulation and cause swelling of feet and legs. A massage increases lymphatic and blood circulation, which helps the body remove metabolic waste and lessen fluid retention. A late-night massage can reduce edema, encourage tissue oxygenation, and improve general cellular performance by increasing circulation.

Boost Energy and Vitality: It’s crucial to feel rested and energized when you arrive at your destination, particularly if you have significant commitments or sightseeing plans. A late-night massage awakens the senses and revives your energy. It invigorates the body and the mind. You will feel revitalized and more prepared to take on new experiences when you wake up because of the endorphin release and improved blood circulation that occur during the massage.


After a night flight, a late-night massage has several advantages beyond simple relaxation. A massage may be a life-changing experience that helps you recuperate from the physical and mental strain of travel, from easing headaches and back pain to increasing mood and vigor. You may improve your well-being, refuel your energy, and make the most of your journey by prioritizing self-care and taking the time to have a late-night massage.

Things You Shouldn’t Believe About Massage Therapy

Just like other services, massage therapy service has some misconceptions prevailing in the industry. And unfortunately, many people believe them and don’t take advantage of massage therapy.

Massage therapies are good for you. Not only do they relax you but treat many of your health problems. Sometimes, massage therapy improves the result of the treatment you are currently undergoing. You feel better as the pain and difficulties associated with the treatment reduce.

Massage is beneficial, so don’t believe the misconceptions. In this post, we will discuss common misconceptions that people have regarding massage therapy.

Misconception 1:

All massage types are the same 

This can never be true. If this is true, then no massage therapist has to spend years learning techniques. They can learn a method and apply it to all their clients. Some of the massage types are Swedish, sports, deep tissue and refresh therapeutic massage.

Just like their names, their techniques and effects are different. For example, a therapist applies a firmer amount of pressure using slower movements in a deep tissue massage but a light to medium amount of pressure in a Swedish massage.

Misconception 2:

Massage therapy is only for pampering

Massage therapy is for pampering but not only for pampering. Other than self-care, massage therapy treats multiple health conditions. For many people, massage is a part of their daily routine as consistency does wonders for health and wellness.

Massage reduces stress by releasing “feel-good” hormones, and helps people with severe headaches and migraines by targeting specific trigger points in the head and neck and others.

Misconceptions 3:

Body should pain the next day 

The effect of massage varies from a person to person. You might not feel the same as your friend after the massage. Some people feel soreness the day after a massage, especially if it is a deep-tissue massage. And some people don’t feel anything.

It’s said that any pain afterward is a good sign. It means the massage is working and it’s beneficial. But, the fact is that pain after the massage signifies nothing. Even if there is no soreness or pain, the massage is effective.

Misconception 4:

Relief from massage is short term 

Massage therapy provides instant as well as long-term relief. You might feel the impact of a massage for days. Sometimes, it’s for the entire life if you take the recommended number of sessions. Everything depends on your objective to take massage therapy.

The repeated sessions of massage therapy train the muscles in the body, keeping them flexible, strong, and pain-free over time. Massage tells the muscles to feel more relaxed and stretched out, keeping them in a relaxed state for longer periods.

Massage is related to your health. So, you shouldn’t take any step without equipping yourself with accurate information. If you have any doubts, ask professionals and not any random person. Also, you shouldn’t have incomplete information. This is more dangerous than knowing nothing.


What Should You Do To Minimize Occurrence of Any Soreness After A Message?

You got the best massage therapist in Philadelphia but still, you are fearful about post-massage soreness. This fear is very common and there is nothing wrong with it. The only wrong thing is blaming the massage therapist for the problem.

A bit of soreness and some discomfort after a massage is completely normal. And it’s because the pressure is applied to your body during massage therapy so that you release tension and stay relaxed. Pressure is necessary to eliminate pain from different parts of the body. A simple touch of the massage therapist will not leave any impact behind and the session will not be effective. You can control the pressure and reduce the chances of soreness after massage therapy by bringing it to the notice of your massage therapist. The therapist will adjust the pressure as per your response.

If your body gets sore even after taking all the precautions, you shouldn’t worry or panic. You should consider it as part of the massage therapy session. You just have to be a bit careful after the massage and follow the below-mentioned tips.

You should stay hydrated 

Hydration is very important after the massage, whether you experience soreness or not. Water energizes the muscles, keeping electrolyte levels in balance so that muscles function at an optimal level. Other than this, water lubricates the joints and helps them move smoothly.

If you are dehydrated, there will be less fluid to lubricate the joints and help them move smoothly. Just remember that muscles are mainly made up of water, which reduces after the massage therapy. If you hydrate the muscles properly, it will be extremely helpful in minimizing soreness.

You should stretch gently 

Stretching after a massage might be painful for you. But, it’s a great way to prevent the occurrence of soreness. It’s said keeping the area that received massage moving has a very impact on soreness prevention.

Stretching should be very gentle and the focus should be on the area that is massaged. Gentle stretching will keep the body moving, allowing blood to flow throughout those areas and keeping the muscles loose. You shouldn’t even try any strenuous activity following a massage.

You should take a bath 

Even if it’s not about soreness, taking a bath after a massage is a good thing. With this, your muscles will get soaked and your body will feel relaxed. The effectiveness of massage therapy will increase.

Relating it to soreness, you will keep inflammation down and increase circulation if you add some Epsom salts in water when taking a bath. With decreased inflammation and increased circulation, you will prevent or manage the soreness after a massage.

You should use a cold compress 

If you experience soreness or notice swelling in specific areas of your body after a massage therapy session, the use of a cold compress will do wonders. You should use it as soon as possible following a massage.

The ice pack should be wrapped in a cloth before using it on the parts where you are experiencing soreness. Use the ice pack for about 10 minutes and take it off for another ten minutes. Make sure you don’t apply ice directly to the affected parts.

Soreness following a massage is common. But, more than that, it’s important how you manage it so that the problem doesn’t increase. If you think the problem is increasing, you should consult your best massage therapist in Philadelphia.


Can Massage Therapy Ease Your Sciatica Pain?

Have you ever had a sharp ache in your lower back, buttocks, or lower legs? The sciatic nerve, which comprises five distinct nerve roots, causes this pain and discomfort. Because the nerve system is so complex, determining the origin and source of sciatica isn’t always easy. Nerve roots have usually been inflamed, crushed, or damaged.

What is Sciatica Pain?

This condition causes moderate, dull, or severe pain, as well as burning, numbness, or tingling sensations. The sciatic nerve travels all the way from the lower back to the end of the leg. Sciatica can be caused by a number of conditions, including lumbar spinal stenosis, piriformis syndrome, and a herniated vertebral disc.

How Does Massage Therapy Help with Sciatica Pain?

Massage therapy is a promising technique to help relieve sciatica pain by relaxing stiff muscles, boosting blood circulation, reducing tension, and promoting a healthier healing environment.

Massage’s impact on nerves and soft tissues

A therapist may focus on your muscles, joints, nerves, and layers of connective tissue deep beneath your skin, depending on the type of massage. Deep tissue massage, trigger-point therapy, and neuromuscular therapy are a few examples of massage techniques.

A massage can help relieve sciatica pain by causing the following changes in your body:

  1. Loosen and relax muscles.

The sciatic nerve root(s) in your lower back can be compressed if your trunk, core, and lower back muscles are stiff. Trigger point pain is caused by tight muscles knotting into little painful nodules. Massage therapy can help relieve discomfort and improve function in your lower back and legs by stretching, loosening, and elongating these muscles.

  1. Allow healing nutrients to circulate more easily.

Massage stimulates the blood vessels in your skin and deeper tissues using hands-on soft tissue manipulation. The circulation of blood, oxygen and other nutrients to the affected areas is improved, which promotes healing.

  1. Release endorphins.

Massage activates pressure receptors, which are unique nerve fibers in the brain. The release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good hormone, is aided by stimulating these pressure receptors.

  1. Reduce your stress levels.

The stimulation of pressure receptors also aids in the reduction of cortisol levels in the body, the stress hormone. Reduced stress contributes to a sense of relaxation and release, as well as a reduced perception of pain.

What is the best way to find a good massage therapist?

  • Determine your objectives.

Before looking for a massage therapist, figure out what you want to achieve from your massage. Look for someone trained in specialized muscle-relaxation treatments, such as neuromuscular therapy, if you wish to ease lower back stress. If you want to boost your endorphins, go to your local spa for a Swedish (deep tissue) massage.

  • Consult your physician.

Your doctor may be able to refer you to a trained health practitioner in your region who can provide therapeutic massage. A doctor can tell you if massage is a safe alternative to consider for your sciatica pain if you have certain health conditions like high blood pressure or nerve problems in your leg.

Massage therapy can be a crucial element of your sciatica treatment plan, as it can provide temporary but effective pain relief, stimulate the production of natural pain-relieving hormones, and boost the body’s natural healing capacities. A massage can also be a calming and delightful experience in general.

Justin Shelley, a skilled, licensed, and qualified massage therapist, can help if you have sciatic nerve pain or other issues. He offers services that can help you get rid of your pain and discomfort and go back to living a better, happier life.

What Is Lomi Lomi Massage with Its Benefit?

It’s common for people to hear about Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, and aromatherapy. However, Lomi Lomi massage is something that we don’t hear in daily life. You will find only a few massage therapists who are highly skilled in delivering the therapeutic experience of holistic Lomi Lomi massage. In this blog, we will help you understand what this massage exactly is, what benefits it offers, and if it’s worth it.

What Is Lomi Lomi Massage?

Lomi Lomi massage is considered a part of traditional Hawaiian medicinal therapy that is performed with the sole aim of creating a balance between your mind, body, emotion, and spirit. During this massage, the massage therapist moves his/her hands in long flowing motions instead of working on one part of the body at a time.

While massaging, the therapist takes an ample amount of oil and predominantly uses forearms and the hands in a fluid rhythmic motion like cascading waves and focuses on covering various parts of the body at once. Since our brain can’t focus on two different areas at the same time, it simply gives in to the nourishing touch and starts feeling deeply relaxed and calm.

Traditionally, Lomi Lomi massage also involves chanting of prayers in the beginning. Besides, massage therapists also add music to enrich the experience and impart a soothing feeling.

The term “Lomi” means to knead, rub, soothe, or work in and out similar to the paws of a contented cat. According to experts, Lomi can also mean “to take and turn” i.e. to achieve the sacred shift within you, that is inspired by the healing kahuna. That’s why it is called twice – Lomi Lomi to show the emphasis. This massage is also spelled as lomilomi.

Even though the practice of Lomi Lomi massage was spread to the world through Hawaiian tourism, it is said to be brought to Hawaii by early Polynesians.

What are the benefits of Lomi Lomi massage?

Before booking massage therapy sessions for a particular massage, it is natural to question what benefits it’s going to offer you. So, if you are wondering how Lomi Lomi massage can be beneficial for you, we have enlisted here the top benefits of this massage therapy. Let’s check out.

  • Bring harmony to your mind, body, and emotions
  • Calm your mind and make you feel fully relaxed
  • Release emotional tension and instill a sense of overall wellbeing
  • Improve blood circulation and lymph movement across the body
  • Dissolve and remove toxin buildup in the tissues
  • Alleviate the pain in muscles and expand the range of motion
  • Boost the healing process of your body by improving your immune response
  • Make the skin healthy, glowing, and smooth

It’s also common for professional massage therapists to ask their clients to pray, meditate, and/or change their diets, especially if the massage is being received as a part of the health improvement process.

Given the benefits of Lomi Lomi massage, it’s absolutely worth your time and money. As Lomi Lomi massage can offer you enhanced nourishment, relaxation, and calmness and improve your overall wellbeing, you are going to certainly appreciate its therapeutic and healing experience.

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