How Massage Therapy Can Help You Deal with Desk Job Blues?

Woman suffering from backache at home. Lower Back Pain . Woman feels back pain massaging aching muscles, sad woman suffers from low-back

Desk job blues are not a myth! Sitting in front of the computer screen 8 hours every day definitely affects people’s health, especially if they don’t move around much during their work day.

The lack of physical activity means that they are prone to develop musculoskeletal disorders, neck pain and shoulder pain among other health problems.

Regular massage therapy sessions can help get rid of these desk job blues and improve the overall well-being at the same time! Here are top ways how massage therapy could be the cure!

Reduce Muscle Tension

Muscle tension is a common cause of stress and anxiety. It can be exacerbated by lack of movement and poor posture.

If you’re feeling stiff from sitting at your desk all day, try stretching or going for a walk to get some fresh air. A massage can also help you feel less tense.

The pressure exerted during a massage helps increase blood flow and decreases muscle tension. Your therapist will focus on areas that are particularly tight or sore, such as your back, neck and shoulders.

Provide Stress Relief

Stress of work can wreak havoc on your body, causing everything from headaches to weight gain to heart disease. And though we often try to avoid stress whenever possible, it’s not always realistic.

Massage therapy is a great way to deal with stress because it promotes deep relaxation and reduces tension in the muscles.

If you’re looking for a more natural way of dealing with stress, massage therapy might be just what you need.

Correct your posture

The way you sit at your desk can have a significant impact on your back health.

If you slouch, round or hunch over in your chair, chances are you’re putting pressure on your spine and neck which can lead to pain and stiffness.

Try to keep a neutral spine and consider taking massage therapy to relax muscles and correct your posture.

Improve your productivity

Sometimes when we are stuck in a rut, we need something to jumpstart our creativity.

A massage might be just what you need to get back into the groove of things and make your desk job feel less like a chore.

There is evidence that some types of massage can help improve cognition, energy levels, and even physical performance. It’s not just about feeling better; it’s about feeling better so that you can do your best work!

Prevent pain

The first way that massage therapy can help with desk job blues is by preventing pain. When you sit all day, your muscles tighten up, which can lead to headaches, back pain, and neck pain.

A massage therapist can help release those tight muscles and relax them so they don’t get sore or painful later on.


As we’ve shown, massage therapy can be highly beneficial for anyone that doesn’t get out of a chair enough. If you’re feeling restless and in dire need of some relief, it might be time to make an appointment. After all, your health is worth a little time away from the office!


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