Feeling Dizzy? Trigger Point Massage Can Help!

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What happens when you are massaging a sore muscle and you are suddenly caught off guard by a flinch of pain? You most likely have developed a trigger point! The painful regions that give you discomfort every day and significantly irritate your muscles are called the “trigger points”. They frequently cause severe back and neck pain and reduced range of motion.

But what if you are tired after a long day at the workplace and feel the muscles aching, or if you start feeling dizzy? Trigger Point Massage can help! Massage therapists can utilize a variety of techniques, such as myofascial release and deep tissue massage, to deal with the small and tight knots created in muscle fibers called trigger points.

How Does a Trigger Point Massage Work?

  1. The specialist working on your trigger points will first stretch the muscle before applying pressure to the knots or areas of tension in the muscle.
  2. A trigger point can be relieved by massage through forcing new blood into the area and clearing away waste products. By increasing the amount of oxygen in the area and helping the muscles to relax, this helps to lessen discomfort up to a significant extent.

Do I Need A Trigger Point Massage?

We must understand the distinction between needing and wanting a massage. Even though it is a typical and well-liked form of massage ideal for everyone with trigger point pain, the following situations indicate that you urgently need a trigger point massage.

  1. Muscle injury
  2. Muscle tightness
  3. Carpal tunnel syndrome
  4. Repetitive strain injury and development of Whiplash muscle.

Benefits of Trigger Point Massage

  1. Improves Flexibility: It can enhance range of motion and flexibility while being useful in easing headaches and muscle tension. People have reported that it successfully improves their posture and relieves discomfort.
  2. No Medications: The lack of medication appeals to clients, who may get treatment at lunch without worrying about driving or feeling any adverse effects afterwards. It also lessens, and in some cases altogether eliminates, the need for painkillers.
  3. Pain Free: The majority of the time, trigger point therapy is painless. While certain massage therapies can leave you sore, the pain relief after trigger point massage is significant and well worth the minor discomfort.
  4. Recognize Your Source of Pain: Through cycles of focused pressure and release as the patient engages in the therapy to improve blood circulation, trigger point therapy can reduce the cause of discomfort.
  5. High Success Rates: Most importantly, trigger point therapy has been effective in treating pain caused by a number of illnesses, including fibromyalgia, arthritis, and musculoskeletal discomfort.

If you ever find yourself feeling dizzy, a trigger point massage can help as it is the go-to solution for you. An experienced massage therapist specializing in myofasical release can assist you in getting rid of the discomfort or poor posture that you are experiencing.

Considering receiving trigger point therapy? For all types of massages, including the trigger point massage, get in touch with Justin Shelley, your local Philadelphia licensed massage therapist.

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