How Massage Can Ease Sciatic Pain

There are millions of individuals suffering from sciatica worldwide. As the biggest nerve in the body, the sciatic nerve is compressed or irritated, it causes this condition. The hips, lower back, legs, and feet can feel pain, numbness, and tingling due to this medical condition.

Although there are many sciatica treatments accessible, massage therapy is one of the best ways to treat the signs and symptoms of the condition. Justin Shelley, a trained, licensed, and certified massage therapist in Philadelphia, offers world-class sciatic nerve massage that will significantly benefit your sciatica. In this blog, we’ll discuss how massage can reduce sciatic pain.

How It Works

The goal of massage therapy is to encourage relaxation and relieve tension by manipulating the body’s muscles and soft tissues. For thousands of years, this method has been used to address a range of ailments, including sciatica. By focusing on the muscles and tissues that surround the sciatic nerve massage can help to reduce the pain caused by sciatica. The following is how it works:

1. Targets Tension in Surrounding Muscles:

Sciatica pain is commonly caused by tight muscles around the sciatic nerve. Massage therapy helps reduce this tension by providing pressure to the affected area. By releasing the knots and tightness in these muscles, massage can help to lessen pressure on the sciatic nerve and thus decrease discomfort.

2. Encouraging Endorphin Release:

Natural painkillers called endorphins are created by the body. Sciatica pain can be reduced by massage therapy, which can encourage the release of these feel-good chemicals.

3. Relaxing the Mind and Body:

Stress can make sciatica symptoms worse because anxiety and tension make muscles tighter and exacerbate pain. Relaxation and stress reduction are two benefits of massage treatment that can help with sciatica symptoms.

4. Enhancing Blood Flow:

Massage therapy can also help to reduce pain and promote healing by increasing blood flow to the affected region. The pain and suffering related to sciatica can be reduced by increased circulation by helping to flush out any toxins or waste products that can be contributing to it.

5. Correcting Posture:

When the sciatic nerve is under more pressure due to poor posture, symptoms of sciatica can increase. Massage treatment can improve posture by releasing the muscles that lead to poor alignment. By assisting with proper posture, massage therapy reduces pressure on the sciatic nerve and the associated pain.


Massage therapy is an efficient way to treat sciatica. Finding a massage therapist who is knowledgeable, skilled, and prepared to handle sciatica sufferers is essential. A therapist with knowledge of the condition, Justin Shelley can create a therapy strategy specific to your needs and help you get the relief you need. Consider including massage therapy in the treatment plan for your sciatica and make an appointment with Justin Shelley to improve your overall quality of life.

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