Swedish massage: A Brief but Useful Guide for A Good Session

Are you tired and want to relax? Are you suffering from any chronic pain, fatigue, or joint stiffness? Are you depressed or suffering from an anxiety issue? If your answer to these questions is “YES”, then you should schedule an appointment for the Swedish massage. Look for a reputable massage therapist and help your body recover from all the problems mentioned above. But, before you visit the massage center, it’s good that you know what Swedish massage is all about.

Swedish massage: An introduction

It’s said that the older the origin of the massage technique is, the better it is. It ensures that massage is safe and effective on the problems. The same is with the Swedish massage.

The roots of Swedish massage date back to the 1830s. There was a Swedish fencing instructor named Per Henrik Ling who injured his elbow and cured himself by tapping strokes around the affected areas. The tapping of strokes was so effective that it developed into a massage technique, which is currently known as Swedish massage.

The story doesn’t end here. The Swedish massage techniques gained popularity after two brothers Charles and George Taylor brought them to the United States in the 1850s. These claims are true so people whole-heartedly believe in the effectiveness of the Swedish massage.

What does Swedish massage involve?

For Swedish massage, the massage therapist uses his elbows, palms, forearms, and fingers to stimulate and manipulate the superficial layers of the muscles. It improves blood circulation, which directly affects physical and mental health. Along with this, the movement of elbows, palms, forearms, and fingers stimulates the active or passive movement of the joints. Other than this, the range of motion is improved and stress and muscle tension are reduced.

Is the Swedish massage technique the same for all?

No, Swedish massage is a broad category. Under this, massage therapists use different techniques based on the overall health and specific requirements of the person. It means you shouldn’t enter the massage center with any fixed thought. Also, you shouldn’t expect that your session will be the same as your friend’s session.

The different Swedish massage techniques are:

  • Effleurage- Includes a smooth, flowing stroke towards the direction of the heart
  • Petrissage- Includes kneading, squeezing, lifting, shaking, wringing, and rolling.
  • Tapotement- Includes a rhythmic tapping, drumming, or cupping of the tissue
  • Friction- Includes small circular, or cross-fiber movements using the ball of the thumb or a pointed object.
  • Vibration- Includes pressing and releasing of tissues in an “up and down” movement

Where should you go for a Swedish massage session?

In Philadelphia, you will find many Swedish massage therapists but none of them would be like Justin Shelly. He is a renowned massage therapist, providing result-oriented Swedish massage therapy. He selects the Swedish massage technique based on what the person wants to achieve. To make the massage session more relaxing, Justin Shelly puts on soothing music. In simple words, the years of experience of Justin Shelly lead to stellar massage treatments.

To know more, book an initial consultation now!!

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