How to Get the Most Out of Your Therapeutic Massage?

Stress and its side effects can have a significant impact on your general health, especially in a city as busy as Philadelphia. Irritability, sleeplessness, muscle tension, high blood pressure, and heart disease are just a few of the signs and illnesses that stress can induce. Fortunately, there is an effective method of reducing stress and all of its unpleasant indications and effects – therapeutic massage.

Stress contributes to or worsens a wide range of health issues, including:

  • Heart disease
  • Digestive problems
  • Sleep problems
  • Depression
  • Obesity
  • Auto-immune diseases
  • Skin conditions

Chronic stress weakens the immune system, making you more vulnerable to practically all illnesses, including cancer.

Receiving a healing hands therapeutic massage can help you greatly if you struggle with stress, anxiety, and certain medical ailments. A massage eases tension, alleviates joint and muscular discomfort, and increases blood flow and circulation.

Here are a few suggestions to make the most of your massage therapy session so you can benefit from the therapeutic effects.

  1. Be informative

Your therapist will be able to understand exactly what is going on before they even talk to you if you fill out a health history form before your session. Additionally, it enables them to conduct preliminary research to be as prepared as possible when they conduct their initial evaluation.

  1. Give specifics

Be prepared to describe your concern in detail. Your massage therapist can better tailor the treatment to meet your difficulties if they have more information. In order to give you the best treatment possible, your therapist may ask you several questions. In the long run, it will help you reach your healthcare objectives more quickly.

  1. Talk to your therapist.

Understand that the massage therapist will not only focus on a treatment area or dysfunction but also on the region causing the problem, even if it does not appear to be the source of the problem.

In most circumstances, an injury, discomfort, or rigidity is not limited to a single location. It is crucial to address contributing factors to fix and prevent the problem from recurring. If you’re unsure, ask your therapist what they’re doing and why they’re doing it.

  1. Be attentive

After the massage, pay attention to the information and home care exercises the massage therapist gives you. The hands-on therapy is only half of the recovery process. Home care exercise and adjustment are equally crucial when addressing issues and ensuring they don’t happen again. Your massage therapist can help you get back on track, but you must do the walking.

  1. Schedule your next appointment.

In most cases, more than one treatment is required to resolve your problem. Booking your next appointment with your therapist will ensure you receive therapy following your therapist’s treatment plan.

Your progress will be slower if you wait too long between sessions because the massage therapist will have to start over every time they treat you.

Healing hands therapeutic massage can assist in reducing and eliminating chronic stress and rapidly relieving its symptoms.

Select a fully trained and registered massage therapist to reap the full benefits of a therapeutic massage. So, before scheduling your first appointment, you should educate yourself on how to find a Massage Therapist.

Justin Shelley is a highly skilled health care practitioner specializing in therapeutic massage, as well as Deep Tissue Massage, Sports Massage, Myofascial Release, Hot Stone Massage, and several other techniques. Contact them today to get the best healing hands therapeutic massage.

Why Should Massage Therapy be a Part of your Regular Routine?

Massage treatment has numerous health advantages for your body and mind, but scheduling frequent massage therapy visits is not always feasible. Many people forget about getting a massage when life gets busy, and there is less time available for self-care.

Healing hands therapeutic massage does not have to be a once-in-a-while indulgence or something reserved for special occasions. It’s easy to fit into the things you’ve previously planned for yourself. We’ll show you how to incorporate regular massage into your daily routine.

Why should you include massage therapy in your routine?

Let’s talk about why you should have a frequent massage in the first place. The stress-relieving and relaxation-inducing effects of massage are one of the primary reasons why it might be a helpful addition to your schedule.

Stress in our lives is inevitable, but it can show up as different physical and emotional symptoms in our bodies when it becomes persistent and overwhelming.

A massage can calm you since it allows you to concentrate solely on yourself while alleviating body aches and pains, reducing heart rate and blood pressure, and releasing hormones like dopamine and serotonin. Massage can also help maintain your body performing at its best by loosening any muscle strain that might cause circulation and muscle stiffness issues.

It can also aid in the alleviation of certain issues for a range of people. For instance, if you’re a sportsman or an active person, sports massage therapy can help you enhance your performance. Massage can help migraine sufferers increase blood circulation in their heads and neck by targeting specific trigger points.

Here’s how you can incorporate massage into your routine.


  1. Make appointments ahead of time.

Booking multiple massage sessions in advance is one of the best methods to make massage a routine part of your life. Even if you can’t keep up with your appointment, you can schedule a new one right away.


  1. Plan a shorter massage to concentrate on particular regions.

Almost everyone has a packed schedule that doesn’t allow them much time to relax. If that is the case, you should schedule a massage targeted at the area of your body that is bothering you.

If your shoulders are strained from sitting at a computer all day, arrange a 30-minute massage with a massage therapist who will focus on relieving tension and boosting blood flow in your upper back and shoulders.


  1. Add a therapeutic massage to help you recover after your workout.

The body requires recovery time after a workout. Massage can help ease the soreness and discomfort caused by muscle stiffness and spasms, improving how you feel and function on a daily basis.

Massage releases your body’s relaxation response, which lowers stress hormones and relaxes any tightness in your body.

Having painful tissues or knots can lead to poor body circulation. Massage therapists will use therapeutic techniques to increase circulation to reduce swelling and promote healing.


If you’re ready to get healing hands therapeutic massage on a regular basis, find a massage expert near you.

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