Which Type of Massage Therapy Will Be Best for You?

With so many different types of massage therapy and bodywork available, it can be hard to understand the differences and decide the appropriate one for you. To help you understand the different options, let’s break them down by defining the types of massage therapy and bodywork available and explain which one might be the best for your personal wellness goals.

Whether it’s your first massage or you’d it before many times, understanding the choices is essential to optimizing your health.

What Types of Massage Therapy are Available?

There are numerous therapies available today, so it is impossible to mention them all here. We’ll cover the most common types available in Philadelphia.

Here we’ll give you an idea of the basics involved with each therapy and whether or not they’re suitable for you.

  1. What is Swedish Massage?

This massage is for relaxation, to relieve muscle tension, and to enhance circulation and range of motion. Swedish Massage can provide a full body massage for overall relief and relaxation.

It is Best for:

  • Relaxation and Stress reduction
  • Muscle tension relief
  • Depression and Anxiety
  • Arthritis
  • Fibromyalgia
  1. What is Esalen Massage?

This massage combines familiar elements of traditional Swedish Massage techniques such as stretching and long, gentle strokes. In this type of massage, therapists work in sync with your breaths and pause at intervals.

In Esalen Massage therapy, you will not only experience tension relief in your body, but you’ll also come away feeling more at peace with your body and surroundings.

Best for:

  • Fibromyalgia
  • Arthritis
  • Depression and Anxiety
  • Relaxation and Stress reduction
  1. What is Deep Tissue Massage?

Deep Tissue Massage is a bit aggressive therapy that features deep penetration of the muscle tissues and fascia to relieve pain. Therapists usually spend an extended time on a single area to effectively release tension.

Note that this type of therapy is not for the faint-hearted. It is an intense therapy and not for everyone.

It is Best for:

  • Injury recovery
  • Athletic performance
  • Chronic pain relief
  1. What is Hot Stone Massage?

In this type of massage, the therapist lays heated basalt stones along your spine and proceeds to knead the body using hands and a stone. The combination of the pressure on the muscles and warmth from the stones provide all-over relaxation.

Best for:

  • Fibromyalgia
  • Arthritis
  • Relaxation and Stress reduction
  1. What is Sports Massage?

This massage helps athletes perform better and recover quicker. Its technique focuses on improving performance and flexibility and range of motion, and recovery period. The therapist can use acupressure and effleurage, depending on the client’s requirements.

Best for:

  • Improved athletic performance
  • Injury recovery
  • Pain relief
  1. What is Myofascial Release Massage?

It is a technique that identifies sources of pain and tension in the fascia and gently holds and releases the spot until the pain subsides. A myofascial release massage is a form of bodywork that bridges a gap between massage and physical therapy.

Best for:

  • Persistent and lasting chronic pain
  • Injury recovery
  • Headaches
  1. What is Trigger Point Therapy?

Trigger points are referred to as “knots,” contracted muscles that refuse to relax. The trigger points can be caused by several things, including poor posture, repeated injuries caused by overuse, muscle clenching due to intense stress, and direct injury.

In Trigger Point Therapy, the therapist identifies these trigger points and uses a technique of applying pressure to them until they gradually release.

Best for:

  • Back and hip pain relief
  • Injury recovery
  • Tension relief
  • Athletic performance and Injury recovery

Which Type of Massage Should You Choose?

When it comes to massage, the wellness options are almost countless. And this is not a comprehensive list of all the types of massage. Whether you’re seeking pain relief, relaxation, or emotional healing, there is massage therapy for every need.

If you’re going for a massage for the first time, it’s ideal to choose Swedish Massage, as you’ll be accustomed to how a massage feels and know your body’s mechanics. To know which massage experience will be best for you, discuss it with your massage therapist.

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