What Is Deep Tissue Massage and How Can You Benefit from It?

Getting a massage is not just about leisure. It can be very helpful in improving your health as well. You must have heard several types of massage names and wondered the difference between them.

Well, every massage has a specific purpose, and today you will learn about Deep Tissue Massage. It is very beneficial and can improve your physical and mental health to a great extent.

What is a Deep Tissue Massage?

A deep tissue massage is a therapeutic massage. It makes use of slow, deep strokes and pressure to release tension and pain in the deeper layers of muscles, tendons, and fascia. This massage is particularly helpful for you if you suffer from chronic pain and tension. It can also be useful if you are recovering from injuries or surgery.

Want to know how you can benefit from deep tissue massage? Let’s see how it is great for your physical and mental well-being:

Provides relief in chronic pain

Deep tissue massage is used frequently to help solve problems of chronic pain and tension in areas like the neck, shoulders, and lower back. This is done by targeting particular areas where tension is concentrated. The therapist uses slow, deep strokes to help to release knots and adhesions in the muscles, which promotes relaxation and pain relief.

Enhances flexibility

When tissues are scared, and adhesions are formed in the muscles and tendons over time, they can limit your movement and contribute to chronic pain and tension. These adhesions need to be broken to promote circulation and flexibility, and this is what deep tissue massage does for you. You will find improvement in movement and range of motion in the affected area once you get a deep tissue massage.

Helps in recovering from injuries

Deep tissue massage can be very useful for you if you are recovering from any injuries or surgery. It is helpful because it increases the circulation and healing of the affected area which speeds up the recovery process for you.

Decreases stress and anxiety

Massage therapies have already been proven to help reduce stress and anxiety. Deep tissue massage is one of the famous massages that help promote relaxation and a sense of well-being.

Improves your posture

As you might have heard already, poor posture is a leading cause of chronic pain and tension in the muscles and joints. Deep tissue massage targets these specific muscles that are tensed which promote flexibility and movement. Doing so helps in improving your posture and reducing the risk of future pain and injury.

In the end, we can say that a deep tissue massage is a great option to not just relax and de-stress, but to also improve your flexibility, heal injuries, and better posture. If you are experiencing any sort of chronic pain or tension, deep tissue massage can be considered a therapy for you.

It is time to give your body a healing touch by getting a deep tissue massage.

Are you wondering who can provide you with the best massage? You don’t have to look any further. Make an appointment with Justin Shelley, a licensed massage therapist in Philadelphia, and get your deep tissue massage.


What Common Conditions and Injuries Can Be Resolved by Sports Massage?

People who are regularly physically active go for sports medicine massage therapy. This includes anyone from frequent gym goers and casual runners to more experienced athletes. But, this doesn’t mean that sports massage therapy is solely reserved for these groups.

Sports massage therapy resolves several common conditions and injuries, which people endure or suffer at least once or twice in their lifetime due to simple, unintentional mistakes or undiagnosed dysfunction. A few reasons for these common conditions and injuries are wrong footwear, general overtraining, overuse of a particular muscle group, or spending a little too long on the floor with poor posture.

Common conditions and injuries resolved by Sports Medicine Massage 

Runner’s knee– It’s a colloquial, blanket term, referring to repetitive strain injuries of the knee. This commonly affects runners or people who walk and hike a lot. Pain arises due to repetitive bending and stretching of the knee. And this pain emanates from the back or hips and is transmitted to the knee. Sports massage treats repetitive physical injuries as well as stops the injuries from developing in the first place.

Causes of a runner’s knee are foot imbalance, uneven surfaces, incorrect footwear, and muscle imbalance.

For treating a runner’s knees, the sports massage seems a bit hurtful because it involves stretching and the manipulation of ligaments, muscles, and fascia. However, an experienced massage therapist employs a range of techniques to reduce pain and be more effective.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)- Caused by the compression of the median nerve, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome causes numbness and tingling, like pins and needles. The median nerve travels through the wrist at the carpal tunnel. This feeling is felt through the thumb, fingers, and side of the fingers.

Causes of carpal tunnel syndrome are being overweight, past injuries or traumas to the wrist, during pregnancy, repetitive action or overuse, chronic illness, disease or condition, or can be passed genetically from parents or siblings.

Sports massage focuses on reducing inflammation, pain, and numbness. People suffering from CTS experience relief just after one sports massage session. But, still, 4-6 sessions are advised for long-term relief.

Plantar Fasciitis– The pain in the bottom of the foot is referred to as Plantar Fasciitis. Often, the pain is experienced towards the heel and foot arch. The worst part is that the pain becomes more severe or noticeable when people suffering from Plantar Fasciitis start walking or exercising after sleep or rest. Some common techniques to get immediate relief are elevating the foot, icing the area, and taking pain relief.

Causes of Plantar Fasciitis are exercising on hard surfaces, exercising without warming up, over-stretching the sole of the foot during physical activity, running or walking more than usual, poor cushioning or support in shoes, and being severely overweight.

To treat Plantar Fasciitis, the sports massage therapist applies deep tissue massage techniques. The slow strokes during the therapy release the tension in the areas, such as the heel, fascia, and calf muscles, and break up scar tissues.

Sports massage loosens the muscle tissue and kickstarts the circulation of blood and oxygen to the affected areas, breaking down any adhesions caused by strain and overexertion.

These are the common conditions and injuries that sports medicine massage resolves. You just need to find the best massage therapist nearby for the therapy.


What are Different Types of Massage Therapy?

The world of massage therapy is vast and varied, with each practitioner bringing their own unique skills and techniques to the table. For those looking to reap the benefits of massage therapy but are unsure where to begin, read on!

In this article, we’ll cover some of the most popular types of massage therapy by Justin Shelly and what you can expect from each one. Let’s dive in!

1) Swedish Massage

Swedish massage is a type of massage therapy that has been practiced for many years. It helps to relax tense muscles, increase circulation and ease stiffness.

The benefits of Swedish massage are numerous. For example, it can help with headaches, stress relief, chronic pain relief, muscle tension relief and much more.

Justin Shelley’s experience in Swedish massage can help you relax tight muscles and boost circulation throughout your body while relaxing your tight muscles.

2) Aromatherapy Massage

Aromatherapy massage is one of the most popular types of massage, as it can help relieve stress, anxiety, depression, muscle tension and more.

The therapist will use a variety of methods to apply pressure to different areas on the body while also working in essential oils that offer soothing scents. These oils are used not only for their scent but also for the benefits they can provide.

The best part about getting aromatherapy massage from Justin shelly is aside from using high quality essential oils, he has thorough knowledge of the oils that are best suited to his clients’ individual needs.

3) Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage is a type of massage therapy that focuses on the deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue. It can be helpful for chronic pain, pinched nerves, muscle spasms, fibromyalgia, sports injuries, and more.

In his massages, Justin Shelley applies firm pressure to deep tissue and the surrounding connective tissue. The massage will break up knots in the muscles by applying deep pressure into the sore spots.

4) Sports Massage

Massages are a great way to help relieve sore muscles, reduce stress, and relax after a hard workout. Professional sports massage therapists like Justin Shelly can help improve performance by relieving muscle tension before competition.

It also stimulates blood flow which helps keep your muscles healthy and functioning properly. Many people who play contact sports like football and rugby use this type of massage to prevent injuries from happening in the first place.

5) Hot Stone Massage

Hot Stone massage therapy is a type of massage that’s often used to promote relaxation, relieve muscle tension, reduce inflammation, heal injuries and improve circulation. This type of massage therapy uses smooth heated stones to apply pressure to the muscles.

The stones are typically placed on or near areas where there is pain or tension in order to provide relief. There are many different benefits to this type of massage therapy including: increased blood circulation, reduced pain, relief from stress and anxiety, better range of motion and improved sleep.


Massage therapy is a tremendously powerful tool that can help heal and relax your muscles, relieve everyday stress, and boost your overall health. If you’re looking for the best massage therapist to get benefit from these massage, get in touch with Justin Shelly, he is a certified, trained, professional & licensed massage therapist in Philadelphia.


How Does A Deep Tissue Massage Work!

If you are suffering from chronic muscle pain or sports-related injuries, a deep-tissue massage is your go-to solution!

To treat musculoskeletal problems including strains and sports injuries, deep tissue massage is a common massage method. It entails exerting steady pressure on the inner layers of your muscles and connective tissues with long, gentle strokes. This helps to loosen up scar tissue that develops after an injury and lessen muscle and tissue tension.

By boosting blood flow and lowering inflammation, it might help encourage quicker healing.

Benefits of Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage has both psychological and physical advantages. It helps to relieve muscle discomfort and reduce stiffness, in contrast to other massage treatments that emphasize relaxation. But it can also help you relax mentally.

Additionally, deep tissue massage helps in recovery with the following conditions:

  • Sports injuries
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • High blood pressure
  • Sciatica
  • Tennis elbow

How Does the Deep Tissue Massage Work

The deep tissue massage focuses on the deeper layers of muscles. It helps in the removal of muscle knots and scar tissue that can cause pain, inflammation, and poor blood flow.

Following is the procedure of Deep Tissue Massage:

  • Before beginning a deep tissue massage, your massage therapist will want to learn about your trouble areas. Your entire body, or just a specific location, can be massaged deeply.
  • You’ll be instructed to lie on your back or stomach when you’re ready. The part of the area being worked on should be exposed.
  • Your muscles will be warmed up by the massage therapist using a softer touch. After you warm up, they’ll focus on your trouble spots. Deep kneading and stroking with varying degrees of severe pressure will be used.

Stripping: Deep Tissue Massage

This is one of the most common techniques that come under Deep Tissue Massage. With this technique, deep pressure is applied down the length of the muscle fiber, and the resulting friction occurs against the fiber’s grain. This helps to loosen the knots and realign the muscle fiber.

Things To Keep In Mind While Looking For a Therapist

Area of focus: Deep tissue massage is not a specialty of all massage therapists. While some specialize in one or two, others have training in numerous. Ask if deep tissue massage is their specialty.

Credentials: Inquire about the therapist’s credentials and confirm that they are authorized to provide massage therapy in your region. The majority of states in the US have laws governing the field of massage therapy.

If you need deep-tissue massage, contact Justin Shelley for the best comfort and deep cure for your muscular pain!



How to Prepare for Your First Thai Massage Session?

Thai massage is one of the most popular types of massage in the world and with good reason – it’s relaxing, it gets right to the source of your pain, and it’s incredibly therapeutic (and effective).

If you are looking to try out Thai massage in Philadelphia for the first time, here are some tips on how to prepare yourself mentally and physically.

Wear Loose and Comfortable Clothing

Wear loose and comfortable clothing so that the masseuse can move around easily. Avoid tight fitting clothing and jackets as these will restrict movement and make it difficult for the massage therapist to work on your back and shoulders. Put your long hair up in a bun before going for a massage.

Eat Light Before Massage

It’s a good idea to eat lightly before your session because you don’t want anything heavy in your stomach that may affect the effectiveness of your massage. You should not drink plenty of water and avoid caffeine, nicotine and alcohol in the hours leading up to your appointment.

Make Home Stretching

It’s a good idea to do some home stretching before your session. This will help loosen muscles and joints, so you can get the most out of the massage. It might also be a good idea to drink plenty of water before your session, as dehydration can make your muscles tense up.

Hydrate Before & After Session

Drink lots of water before and after your massage session. Getting a massage can make you feel dehydrated, so be sure to drink a lot of water. The more hydrated your body is, the better and longer you’ll enjoy your massage. Be kind to your body and make sure it’s getting enough fluids by drinking plenty of water.

Breathe Normally

One of the most important things you can do before a massage is to breathe. Deep breathing will help you feel more relaxed and it will also help your massage therapist work out any knots that might be hiding in your muscles. When you’re on the table, don’t forget to keep breathing!

Relax before, during, and after massage

It is important to take time in your day before and after massage. To properly relax before your session, make sure you have eaten a healthy meal and taken care of any business that may be on your mind. During the massage, try not to think about anything besides the present moment. After your session, it is vital that you drink plenty of fluids and rest up with some light stretching or reading.


If you are looking forward to trying a Thai massage session, it is important that you prepare well before your appointment. Make note of the tips above and you will be guaranteed maximum benefits during your massage session. Still looking for the best Thai massage in Philadelphia? Get an appointment from Justin Shelley – A Licensed Massage Therapist you can trust..

How Massage Therapy Can Help You Deal with Desk Job Blues?

Desk job blues are not a myth! Sitting in front of the computer screen 8 hours every day definitely affects people’s health, especially if they don’t move around much during their work day.

The lack of physical activity means that they are prone to develop musculoskeletal disorders, neck pain and shoulder pain among other health problems.

Regular massage therapy sessions can help get rid of these desk job blues and improve the overall well-being at the same time! Here are top ways how massage therapy could be the cure!

Reduce Muscle Tension

Muscle tension is a common cause of stress and anxiety. It can be exacerbated by lack of movement and poor posture.

If you’re feeling stiff from sitting at your desk all day, try stretching or going for a walk to get some fresh air. A massage can also help you feel less tense.

The pressure exerted during a massage helps increase blood flow and decreases muscle tension. Your therapist will focus on areas that are particularly tight or sore, such as your back, neck and shoulders.

Provide Stress Relief

Stress of work can wreak havoc on your body, causing everything from headaches to weight gain to heart disease. And though we often try to avoid stress whenever possible, it’s not always realistic.

Massage therapy is a great way to deal with stress because it promotes deep relaxation and reduces tension in the muscles.

If you’re looking for a more natural way of dealing with stress, massage therapy might be just what you need.

Correct your posture

The way you sit at your desk can have a significant impact on your back health.

If you slouch, round or hunch over in your chair, chances are you’re putting pressure on your spine and neck which can lead to pain and stiffness.

Try to keep a neutral spine and consider taking massage therapy to relax muscles and correct your posture.

Improve your productivity

Sometimes when we are stuck in a rut, we need something to jumpstart our creativity.

A massage might be just what you need to get back into the groove of things and make your desk job feel less like a chore.

There is evidence that some types of massage can help improve cognition, energy levels, and even physical performance. It’s not just about feeling better; it’s about feeling better so that you can do your best work!

Prevent pain

The first way that massage therapy can help with desk job blues is by preventing pain. When you sit all day, your muscles tighten up, which can lead to headaches, back pain, and neck pain.

A massage therapist can help release those tight muscles and relax them so they don’t get sore or painful later on.


As we’ve shown, massage therapy can be highly beneficial for anyone that doesn’t get out of a chair enough. If you’re feeling restless and in dire need of some relief, it might be time to make an appointment. After all, your health is worth a little time away from the office!


Is Vagus Nerve Massage Effective To Your Body Systems?

This post is all about vagus nerve massage. But, before we discuss it, you should know and understand what a vagus nerve is. As defined by medical professionals, a vagus nerve is the 10th cranial nerve that extends from the brainstem down to the gastrointestinal tract. The vagus nerve reaches far, affecting many parts of the body. The role of the vagus nerve is digestion, hormone production, managing emotions, heartbeat, and breathing.

Medically, the functioning of the vagus nerve is referred to as vagal tone.

What’s the impact of poor vagus functioning (low vagal tone)?

If the vagal tone is high or at the expected level, everything is fine. You don’t have to worry about your body systems as a well-functioning vagus nerve will handle them all. But, you should be very careful when the functioning of a vagus nerve is poor.

Low vagal tone is associated with IBS and IBD as well as heart disease, depression, and autoimmune conditions. It negatively impacts the gut-brain connection as well as digestion, heart and breathing regulation, and emotional wellbeing. Other than this, the impact falls on mental health, blood pressure, heartbeat, ability to swallow, and immune system.

Vagus Nerve Massage- An effective way to prevent poor vagus functioning and help your body systems to stay fit

What is vagus nerve massage?

It’s a form of vagus nerve stimulation that improves vagal tone or vagus nerve functioning. In this, the therapist doesn’t directly massage the vagus nerve but the areas that are close to the vagus nerve.

How is vagus nerve massage performed?

A therapist applies moderate pressure to the area between the trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles in the neck-shoulder area and at the muscles below the base of the skull. The pressure is applied with twisting or stroking motions.

The locations of trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles are important for you to know for a better understanding of vagus nerve massage. You will find trapezius muscles at the top of your shoulders, helping you to move the neck and head as well as the shoulder blades. On the other hand, you will find sternocleidomastoid muscles down the sides of your neck, from the base of your head, helping you to rotate the head and keep the head aligned with the spine.

There is another way how vagus nerve massage is performed by a therapist. Another form of vagus nerve massage is known as carotid sinus massage. In this, the therapist press lightly with the fingers on the side of the neck where the pulse from the carotid artery is felt the strongest. This stimulates a receptor in the carotid artery and raises vagal tone. The objective of carotid sinus massage is to slow a rapid heart rate and improve abnormal heart rhythm.

How effective is vagus nerve massage on your body structure?

Several studies show that a massage of the base of the head, neck, and shoulders improves heart rate variability. Heart rate variability is the time between heartbeats that are indirectly used to measure vagal tone.

A well-functioning vagus nerve allows proper communication between the brain and other organs, including the heart, lungs, and guts. This means the vagus nerve massage is very effective on your body structure.


What Should You Do To Minimize Occurrence of Any Soreness After A Message?

You got the best massage therapist in Philadelphia but still, you are fearful about post-massage soreness. This fear is very common and there is nothing wrong with it. The only wrong thing is blaming the massage therapist for the problem.

A bit of soreness and some discomfort after a massage is completely normal. And it’s because the pressure is applied to your body during massage therapy so that you release tension and stay relaxed. Pressure is necessary to eliminate pain from different parts of the body. A simple touch of the massage therapist will not leave any impact behind and the session will not be effective. You can control the pressure and reduce the chances of soreness after massage therapy by bringing it to the notice of your massage therapist. The therapist will adjust the pressure as per your response.

If your body gets sore even after taking all the precautions, you shouldn’t worry or panic. You should consider it as part of the massage therapy session. You just have to be a bit careful after the massage and follow the below-mentioned tips.

You should stay hydrated 

Hydration is very important after the massage, whether you experience soreness or not. Water energizes the muscles, keeping electrolyte levels in balance so that muscles function at an optimal level. Other than this, water lubricates the joints and helps them move smoothly.

If you are dehydrated, there will be less fluid to lubricate the joints and help them move smoothly. Just remember that muscles are mainly made up of water, which reduces after the massage therapy. If you hydrate the muscles properly, it will be extremely helpful in minimizing soreness.

You should stretch gently 

Stretching after a massage might be painful for you. But, it’s a great way to prevent the occurrence of soreness. It’s said keeping the area that received massage moving has a very impact on soreness prevention.

Stretching should be very gentle and the focus should be on the area that is massaged. Gentle stretching will keep the body moving, allowing blood to flow throughout those areas and keeping the muscles loose. You shouldn’t even try any strenuous activity following a massage.

You should take a bath 

Even if it’s not about soreness, taking a bath after a massage is a good thing. With this, your muscles will get soaked and your body will feel relaxed. The effectiveness of massage therapy will increase.

Relating it to soreness, you will keep inflammation down and increase circulation if you add some Epsom salts in water when taking a bath. With decreased inflammation and increased circulation, you will prevent or manage the soreness after a massage.

You should use a cold compress 

If you experience soreness or notice swelling in specific areas of your body after a massage therapy session, the use of a cold compress will do wonders. You should use it as soon as possible following a massage.

The ice pack should be wrapped in a cloth before using it on the parts where you are experiencing soreness. Use the ice pack for about 10 minutes and take it off for another ten minutes. Make sure you don’t apply ice directly to the affected parts.

Soreness following a massage is common. But, more than that, it’s important how you manage it so that the problem doesn’t increase. If you think the problem is increasing, you should consult your best massage therapist in Philadelphia.


Amazing Ways in Which Massage Therapy Can Benefit Your Body

Getting massage is one of the best ways to feel relaxed. However, relaxation of the mind and the body is not the only benefit of getting a massage. There are several benefits of getting massage therapy for your body. There are different types of massages that can be helpful for specific purposes as well. Also, if you do not feel like visiting the spa to get the massage, then you can choose mobile massage therapy for yourself. It is quite easy to find a mobile massage therapist in Philadelphia.

Massage is basically the process of strategic pressure application on the skin which slows down the nervous system and the person feels relaxed. There are several other mental benefits of the slowed nervous system like lower blood pressure and decreased heart rate. The best thing about massage therapy is that you can see the benefits immediately. Today, we shall be discussing the benefits of massage therapy. Let’s see the most common ways in which massage therapy can benefit your body:

Alleviation of anxiety

Anxiety is a common problem among people, nowadays. People are constantly busy in achieving things after things. While being busy all the time, people are not able to make time for their own mental peace. With a mind full of several things, even minor inconvenience or small failure can lead to a significant amount of anxiety. Getting massage therapy will relax your mind and you can start seeing things more clearly. This will ultimately lead to the alleviation of anxiety and better mental health.

Better sleep quality 

It is a common problem that people are not able to sleep properly or suffer from disorders like insomnia. Deep sleep is important for the better functioning of the mind and the body. Massage allows the nervous system to slow down which results in better sleep quality and deep sleep.

Sleep quality is important for the restoration of energy and you can find relief from several other problems that can arise due to poor sleep quality.

Fatigue relief

Fatigue generally happens when a person is constantly engaged in work and not able to sleep properly. Fatigue can lead to serious issues related to your mental and physical health. Massage can be helpful in fatigue relief and you can restart your life with new energy after the massage therapy.

Increased focus

It often gets difficult for us to focus on things going on around us, whether it is a meeting or a lesson. The reason behind lack of focus can be a tired mind. You can choose massage therapy for restoring your ability to focus.

These were some of the amazing ways in which massage therapy can benefit your body. To enjoy the significant benefits of massage therapy, hire the best therapist near your location.

Enjoy a Full Body Massage in Philadelphia with a Licensed Massage Therapist

A full body massage is a sheer bliss. It will relax you and help you unwind. I provide full body massage in Philadelphia and ensure you enjoy the benefits of it. My massage will not only relax you but also help your body detox and renew itself so that you can enjoy life to the fullest.

Benefits of Full Body Massage

Many clients want to know why they should opt for a full-body massage. You will be surprised to learn the numerous benefits this body massage in Philadelphia offers.

  • Refreshes Skin: I use fragrant and relaxing essential oils and lotions to gently massage the skin. This helps to boost circulation and makes the skin supple and moist. It also exfoliates the skin, allowing the new skin cells to come to the forefront.
  • Relaxes the Nervous System: If you lead a stressful life, you can benefit from full body massage in Philadelphia. Stress can leave the nerves and muscles tight, and a massage can knead out the tension. It will help balance your nervous system by decreasing the production of stress hormones and increasing the feel-good hormones. When the nervous system is in balance, you will feel healthier and sleep better.
  • Helps the Musculoskeletal System: A full body massage will boost blood circulation so that your muscles get the oxygen and nutrition they deserve. I use gentle yet firm motions to stretch the muscles, ligaments, and tendons to relax them and also given the TLC that they require.
  • Detoxification of the Lymphatic System: My massaging techniques drain the lymphatic system to reduce edema and improve the flow of sluggish lymph. This helps to detoxify the system and boost your immunity.
  • Superior Bone Health: Body massage in Philadelphia will help increase blood flow to the bones and that means they will get vital calcium and minerals to support bone health, strength, and function.
  • Improves Heart Health: Full body massage leads to vasodilation. As your cardiovascular system relaxes, it boosts circulation to the whole body. It also helps to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, thereby helping to regulate your blood pressure as well as heart rate.

A full body massage will improve your digestion and ensure that the body breaks down the food and absorbs the nutrients better. Your entire digestive system will work in tandem for optimal digestion, keeping you energized, fit, and healthy.

Why Choose Advances Massage and Bodywork

As a board-certified massage therapist, I know what I am doing and always ensure my clients ensure relaxing and beneficial massage therapy. I possess more than 15 years of experience and I have mastered different techniques to offer you a wide variety of full-body massages.

My private practice is centrally located and you will find that accessibility is never an issue. Spending time with a massage therapist who truly cares about your health and wellbeing is something you should take advantage of.

Contact me today to schedule an appointment for a full body massage and discover the magic I weave with my fingers. You will feel energized and refreshed after the session.

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